Tuesday, February 21, 2012

#11 Cliche

1. Silent as a flea speaking German
2. Clean as a wedding dress
3. Hungry as teenage sumo wrestler
4. Pretty as a girl on prom night
5. Fit as a Titan
6. Easy as yawning
7. Cold as a snowman
8. Smooth as a finely crafted guitar
9. Blind as a model after a photo shoot
10. Strong as woman giving birth


#10 Instructions

Step 1) get out of bed.
Step 2) locate pants you wish to wear for the day
Step 3) grab pants by the big opening, button and zipper in the middle facing away from you and hands equal distances apart.
Step 4)
Option 1: the one leg at a time approach) while maintaining balance or sitting pick up one leg, your choice, and place it in the big hole of the pants extending leg until foot comes out of the smaller hole. Repeat action with the other leg with the left leg to the left of the button and zipper and the right leg to the right of the button and zipper. Pull pants up to waist.
Option 2: Both legs at the same time approach) while sitting on a bed or the floor place both legs into the big hole of the pants. Left leg to the left of the button and zipper and the right leg to the right of the button and zipper. Roll onto your back while pulling pants up to your waist.
Step 5) zip up pants and fasten the button.
Step 6) Rejoice! You are now wearing pants!


Tuesday, February 14, 2012

#9 Invictus

                For the longest time I have always loved the poem Invictus. I’m not really sure when the first time I heard it was. It probably was during school in reference to Nelson Mandela. I remember after hearing the poem I reflected a lot on the last two lines, “I am the master of my fate, I am the captain of my soul” and the title itself INVICTUS.
 The word MASTER implied to me dominance and ownership. That my fate was indeed MINE and no one else’s. No one can tell me how my life will end up, where I go or what I do because my fate, my destiny is mine. Once I own it then what? CAPTAIN for me meant leadership. A captain is educated and wise. It told me that I need to learn, study, find out what I want my fate to be and then go after it. In the title I found the motivation. When I thought of the word INVICTUS, I dunno… there was something about the word that inspired me before I knew what it meant. I thought of power, I thought of activeness. I thought it was a word that one would yell on a battle field somewhere to empower comrades. Later I learned that “Invictus” means unconquerable or invincible.
Over the years I’ve looked more and more at the entire poem and I have come to appreciate it for its many different messages. Gratitude, “I thank whatever Gods may be, for my unconquerable soul.” Courage, “In the fell clutch of circumstance, I have not winced nor cried aloud”"and yet the menace of the years finds and shall find me unafraid.” Endurance, “Under the bludgeoning of chance, my head is bloody but unbowed.”
When the movie Invictus came out I learned more about Nelson Mandela (let’s be honest, I didn’t pay a lot of attention sometimes in school) and this poems power to inspire others. It is truly a great poem.


Tuesday, February 7, 2012

#8 5 voices

            As a 5-year-old child this weekend I getta take the share bear home from kindagarten and I’m gonna take care of it. I’m also gonna eat an ice cream sandwich and build a fort with Billy. My G.I. Joes need to defend my sisters barbies from the bad G.I. Joes and Hot Wheels.
ARRGHH ya matey! At this weeks end we be sailin the high seas makin for the Caribbean. Best get yer sea legs and yer best blade cuz we be looting an a plunderin our way to the wenches!!!
            I hate the weekends. Neighbors always having parties that I never get invited to. I could ask Jenny out but she’s just going to say no so what’s the point? Sunday’s the worst too because all that means is the next day is Monday and it’s back to work.
            I like love the weekends cause like there’s no school and we go to the mall and like look at the boys. And I’m like so excited cause daddy gonna get me a cell phone!! I really hope Karen’s mom lets us have a sleep over and like orders us pizza.
            This weekend I plan on finishing a book I’ve been reading. I’m going to do some rock climbing and mountain biking as well. 15cent wings and the hot tub is also on the menu. What would the weekend be without fun and relaxation?


Friday, February 3, 2012

#7 Childhood

So this is supposed to be 5 minutes, non-stop writing… well here goes nothing

What I was like as a child? Who really knows what they were like when they were younger? My parents would know, my older siblings would but not me. I was to busy living my life to pay any attention to what kind of a person I was. I guess the only ways I could describe it would be through stories that I remember or that were told to me by my family. One story that seems to be brought up again and again comes from way back when I was still sitting in a car seat. They would call me the monster in the middle. My two older brothers would be on either side of me and I, for some reason, would fling my legs out on either side and then start kicking. Or when we would get fast food I would try and steel frenchfries. Starting with one brother and when he would catch me and get made I would move to the brother on the other side. Whenever my brothers tried to address such pesterances they would get in trouble from my parents.


Hmmm… five minutes went by faster than I thought. Oh well. That's pretty much my reaction to it. I think that if I am given a subject I can write quite a bit on it but if I have to come up with a subject it's harder... or maybe it's not and I'm not willing to admit that I talk a lot :(