Friday, February 3, 2012

#7 Childhood

So this is supposed to be 5 minutes, non-stop writing… well here goes nothing

What I was like as a child? Who really knows what they were like when they were younger? My parents would know, my older siblings would but not me. I was to busy living my life to pay any attention to what kind of a person I was. I guess the only ways I could describe it would be through stories that I remember or that were told to me by my family. One story that seems to be brought up again and again comes from way back when I was still sitting in a car seat. They would call me the monster in the middle. My two older brothers would be on either side of me and I, for some reason, would fling my legs out on either side and then start kicking. Or when we would get fast food I would try and steel frenchfries. Starting with one brother and when he would catch me and get made I would move to the brother on the other side. Whenever my brothers tried to address such pesterances they would get in trouble from my parents.


Hmmm… five minutes went by faster than I thought. Oh well. That's pretty much my reaction to it. I think that if I am given a subject I can write quite a bit on it but if I have to come up with a subject it's harder... or maybe it's not and I'm not willing to admit that I talk a lot :(

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