Wednesday, April 4, 2012

#19 Someone I Admire

           One person I admire is my youngest sister, Megan. Given our family situation she spent quite a bit of time alone but she’s always been on top of things. When she was in high school she didn’t need anyone standing over her shoulder making sure she did her homework or practiced her instruments. She just did it. If things needed to be done around the house, she just did it. Her senior year she moved into an apartment with a few other girls who were just starting college and did well. In fact she had to teach her roommates how to keep the place clean!
            She’s always been a very responsible person and very frugal with her money. Whenever we would go to the store and she would see something she wanted she usually chose to save her money in case she needed something. She has always had an enjoyable personality where she knows when it’s ok to act immature and a fun and when to act serious. She has always been very caring and willing to do anything for her family. When it comes to personal problems or others problems she is able to really analyze things and not jump to conclusions or make impulsive decisions.
            At 21 she is the General Manager at a small resort and has had her own business for the past few years. In her business she has maintained a great work ethic and standards. She doesn’t let people take advantage of her for being “young and naïve.”
            My family has never been very close to one another but over the past year or two my sister and I have become a lot closer. Talking more and spending more time together which has been a big blessing in my life. 


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