Monday, March 26, 2012

A little rant about Colin Clark

           So this past weekend in the MLS (Major League Soccer for those who don’t know) the Houston Dynamo played the Seattle Sounders in Seattle. Almost 8 minutes into the game something quite unfortunate happened. After not being tossed the ball by the ball boy like he wanted Colin Clark of the Dynamo cursed at the boy calling him a “F***ing Fagot.” How ridiculous and pathetic is that? A grown man and professional athlete, who should be used to not getting the best treatment during away games, decides to insult and curse at a kid probably not more than 14 years old. Colin Clark will forever be an A-hole for his behavior but what I am more upset about is the media coverage of it.
            Out of all the articles I read and discussions I heard about this only one mentioned that Clark used the four letter F word along with the homosexual slur. Every reporter was so concerned with the possibility that he might have offended the homosexual community that they totally forgot about the ball boy and the expletive thrown his way. I may be going out on a limb here but I’d be willing to bet that the vast majority of reporters that wrote about this incident aren’t even homosexual. It seems to me that they’re only covering half the issue to try and impress people or gain cred by letting everyone know how PC (politically correct) they are. Give me a break! Should he have said it? No. Could it be offensive to homosexuals? Yes but if you’re not homosexual why the hell do you care? Sure it was wrong of him and it really demonstrates his character but I’m more concerned that he felt he could and somehow needed to say those things to the ball boy.
            Another thing that has bothered me is all the people that have posted comments on these articles condemning Clark for being ignorant or insensitive to homosexuals. Again I’m willing to bet that most of those people aren’t homosexual either. How is it that as a society we have become more worried about PC and less worried about the treatment of our youth? It’s almost as if discrimination is more important to people that child abuse.
Oh let’s make sure we hammer this guy because he may or may not have offended a group of people and… oh what’s that? What’s that you’re saying? He verbally abused a kid? Well that’s not as important.
Can someone please explain to me why society has developed this fear of offending the masses when, as in this case, the only person it was meant to offend the ball boy? If the ball boy was homosexual things would be a little different but not by much. There's no way Clark knew whether or not this kid is and there's no reason for us to know. We are developing into an overly sensitive society where people are more worried about what others think than just living their lives. Even if I was homosexual I wouldn’t let what Colin Clark said offend me. If he wants to be an A-hole, fine. I don’t really care. What I would be and am more concerned about is how he treated the KID.
I guess in the end all I’m saying is Clark is a first class douchebag and should be suspended and fined for how he treated the kid and we, as a society, need to grow up a little.

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